WARNING: All the essays are protected by copyright. None of them may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including photocopying, recording, or storage, without written permission of the Le Tarot Association.
224 of the 228 essays on the history of Tarot and 19 of the 22 essays on the iconology of the Major Arcana written by Andrea Vitali are not available online.
All the essays will be published soon.
Some iconological discoveries made by Professor Andrea Vitali concerning the Hanged Man and Tower cards were introduced by him in 1987 on the occasion of the exposition, Cards of the Court: Tarot, Games and Magic in the Estense Court, a large exhibition about the tarot on an international level held in Ferrara at the Estense Castle. In 1994 he introduced other discoveries, on Temperance, the Star, the Moon, the Sun, and the World, in the circumstance of the exposition Tarot: Art and Magic, at the Civic Archeological Museum of Bologna. Both were exhibitions for which Prof. Vitali curated the historical-scientific project and the selection of documents. Along with the iconological essays presented here concerning all 22 Triumphs, are essays on history, literature, the game of tarot from the 15th to 19th centuries, and articles on topics of a symbolic nature. The Host Essays section presents essays written by members of the Association and other leading experts.
The English translations in the sections Andrea Vitali’s Historical Essays on the Tarot were revised in February 2012 by tarot researcher Michael S. Howard, who also translated many essays for the first time. To him we extend our heartfelt thanks.
Many historical essays by Andrea Vitali have not yet been translated into English. Currently there are 99 essays in English versions and 224 in Italian ones. Regarding the essays not yet translated into English, we have, however, reported below the English translation of the titles present in the Italian version.
As for the guest essays, of the 66 in Italian, at the moment 15 essays have been translated.
Below are the titles of Andrea Vitali's Historical Essays based on the topics covered. In relation to the contents, some essays have been included under different themes.
History of the Tarot
The Prince Fibbia, Inventor of the Ludus Triumphorum
In Bologna of the first years of the 15th century
The History of the Tarot
From its origin to the present day
Bologna and the Invention of the Triumphs
Triumphs, tarots and tarocchini in Bologna of the 15th to 20th century
Tarot: History, Art, Magic
A selection of images from the catalogue
The Mystical Staircase
The mystical journey toward Knowledge
The Mystical Staircase in the “Sermo de Ludo”
and in the Bolognese order. Examples of the concept Ludendo Intelligo (Playing and Learning)
The Order of the Triumphs
In the earliest tarots and in 16th century documents
Triumphs, Trionfini and Trionfetti
Between game and literature
Tarotica - 1584
The quaternary of the tarot between mysticism and game
The Origin of Aces
A suggestive hypothesis about the origin of the suits with numeral cards
El Bagatella Which is the Symbol of Sin
Regarding the Bagatto as the first card of the Triumphs
Bagatelli Priests in the 16th and 17th Centuries
Between fraudulence and heresy
(In Italian only: Preti bagatelli nel Cinque e Seicento.
Fra fraudolenza ed eresia)
On Heretics Accused of Bagatella Sins
In the Venetian city of Cittadella
(In Italian only: Di eretici accusati di peccati bagatella
Nella città veneta di Cittadella)
Folly and “Melancholia”
Sensible and senseless folly in the procession of the Triumphs
From “Barocchi” to “Tarocchi”
The evolution of the term “Barocco” into “Tarocco”
A Bagatello Mouse
Three documents of the 16th century on “bagatello”
(In Italian only: Un topolino bagatello – 1596
Tre documenti cinquecenteschi sul ‘bagatello’)
Sigismondo Malatesta and the Triumphs
A golden world
Tarot “Of New Invention” - 1585
In the “Universal Plaza” of Tomaso Garzoni da Bagnacavallo
The Sola Busca Tarot
Alchemical or otherwise? Comparative hypotheses
The Visconti di Modrone Tarot
One of three surviving hand-painted tarots with Visconti heraldic features
'Le Monde Primitif' by Antoine Court De Gébelin
Fons et origo (source) of the esoteric doctrine of the Tarot
(In Italian only: 'Le Monde Primitif' di Antoine Court De Gébelin
Fons et origo della dottrina esoterica dei Tarocchi.
Educational Tarot in Sicily - 1737
The practice of educating young people through the use of the playing cards
(In Italian only: Tarocchi Istruttivi in Sicilia.
L’usanza di educare i giovani attraverso un mazzo di carte)
About the Meaning of Tarocco (Tarot)
The Meaning of the Word “Tarocco”
The name of the game with the Triumphs, taken from the card without number
About the Etymology of Tarocco
The meaning of the word Tarocco in the Renaissance and in modern interpretations
Taroch: Vulgar Latin
Zanitonella by Folengo and the vulgar Tuscan
Taroch: Nulla Latina Ratione
With Barbarian rite, without relationship to the Latin, now they call it taroch
Taroch - 1494
The “Frotula de le dòne” by Giovan Giorgio Alione
Rochi and Tarochi
A fascinating hypothesis regarding the etymology of the word Tarocchi
Tharocus Bacchus Est
From the myth of the god of orgies, the origin of the word Tarocchi
Theroco Wind
The wind that leads to madness (16th century)
A “Cavaleyro” Taroco - 13th Century
A vain and foolish cavalier in a cantiga of Pedr'Amigo de Sivilha
Tarocco Means Fool
Literary documents from our essays
(In Italian only: Tarocco sta per Matto
Documenti letterari tratti da nostri saggi)
A Tarocco from Morocco in the Form of a Jester
As described in a work by Tommaso Buoni in 1605
(In Italian only: Un tarocco dal Marocco a guisa di Mattacino
Così come descritto in un opera di Tommaso Buoni del 1605)
“L’Epuloni” by Frugoni - 1675
Whoever does not have the Moon, the Sun and the World is a Tarocco
(In Italian only: “L’Epuloni” del Frugoni - 1675
Chi non ha il Sole, la Luna o il Mondo in mano resta un Tarocco)
Ascanio Errante - 1640
The crazy reasoning of a dog with the surname Tarocco
(In Italian only: Ascanio Errante – 1640
Il ragionamento matto di un cane di nome Tarocco)
Satyr Taroco - 1605
The attribute of false in a pagan temple
(In Italian only: Taroco Satiro - 1605
L’attributo di falso a un tempio pagano)
A King of Tarochi
A king without sense in the italian vernacular languages of the 16th century
Matto as a False and Insignificant Person
From dictionaires and pages of literature
The Jewish Fake Count, a 16th Century “Giudiata”
Another document where Tarocco means mad
"Now I with two tarocchi (idiots)" - 17th century
On a Bernesque [a type of satire] sonnet by Ottavio Masserini
(In Italian only: "Or io con due tarocchi (idioti)" - Sec. XVII
Su un sonetto bernesco di Ottavio Masserini)
On a old man tarocco (foolish) in love
A sonnet by Pierantonio carrara - 17th century
(In Italian only: "Di un vecchio tarocco (sciocco) innamorato.
Un sonetto di Pierantonio Carrara - sec. XVII)
'Travel to Cologne' by Antonio Abbondanti - 1627
Everyone has a Tarot brain
(In Italian only: Il 'Viaggio di Colonia' di Antopnio Abbondanti - 1627
Hanno cervelli tutti da Tarrocchi)
Kings of Nothing or of Tarocchi - 17th century
Kings of little intellect and of no value
(In Italian only: Re del Nulla ovvero di Tarocchi - Sec. XVII
Re di scarso intelletto e di nessun valore)
"L'Almiro", Theatrical Scene by Jacopo Rossi - 1681
'Against his swords I am a Tarocco' or 'I am worth nothing'
(In Italian only. "L'Almiro", Scena Teatrale di Jacopo Rossi - 1681
‘Contro le Spade sue sono un Tarocco’ ovvero ‘Non valgo nulla’)
"The Synagogue of the Ignorants" by Tomaso Garzoni - 1589
Ignorance and foolishness of the Fool of the tarot.
(In Italian only: "La Sinagoga de gl'Ignoranti" di Tomaso Garzoni - 1589.
Ignoranza e balordaggine del Matto dei tarocchi)
On the reason for the presence of the Bagatto (Magician) as the first card of the Triumphs
El Bagatella Which is the Symbol of Sin
Regarding the Bagatto as the first card of the Triumphs
The Bagattino Between History and Literature
The coin of little value from which the word Bagatella derived
(In Italian only: Il Bagattino fra storia e letteratura
La moneta di scarso valore dalla quale derivò la parola Bagatella)
Bagatelli Priests in the 16th and 17th Centuries
Between fraudulence and heresy
(In Italian only: Preti bagatelli nel Cinque e Seicento
Fra fraudelenza ed eresia)
On Heretics Accused of Bagatella Sins
In the Venetian city of Cittadella
(In Italian only: Di eretici accusati di peccati bagatella
Nella città veneta di Cittadella)
The Word “Bagatella” in the Works of Ferrando Pallavicini
Life and works of a great writer condemned by the Inquisition
(In Italian only: La parola ‘Bagatella’ nelle opere di Ferrando Pallavicini
Vita e opere di un grande scrittore condannato dall’Inquisizione)
Minchiate Between Game and Literature
Minchiate in Literature
From the 15th to the 19th century
Farsa Satyra Morale
“Sminchiata” means stuff for fools
Treatise on the Game of Minchiate
A document on the game of Minchiate dated to 1716
On Minchione
Where we talk about stupid, mad and time-wasting men
(In Italian only: Del Minchione
Dove si tratta di uomini stupidi, balordi e perditempo)
Ganellini seu Gallerini
The game of Minchiate in Genoa, Rome and Palermo (17th and 18th centuries)
On “Minchionare” and “Minchionaggine”
Stories of cunning and stupidity
(In Italian only: Del Minchionare e della Minchionaggine
Storie di furbizie e dabbenaggine)
May Cancer Come to Goffo and Tarocco
New documents between history and literature from the 16th to the 19th century
A Warlike Game of Triumphs – 16th Century
Two compositions by Giovanni Petrei
(In Italian only: Una guerresca partita a Trionfi - sec. XVI
Due composizioni di Giovanni Petrei)
Diogenes' Dog - 1687
A satirical-literary work by Francesco Fulvio Frugoni
(In Italian only: Il cane di Diogene – 1687
Un’opera satirico-letteraria di Francesco Fulvio Frugoni)
On the Education of a Prince' s Son - 1542
The three games to teach young dauphins: chess, sbaraglino, and tarot
(In Italian only: De lo istituire il figlio d'un Principe – 1542
I tre giochi da insegnare ai giovani delfini: scacchi, sbaraglino e tarocchi)
Allegorical Notes on the Game of Minchiate
In a treatise by Francesco Saverio Brunetti - 1747
Triumphs and Carnival Songs in Florence - 15th century
Lorenzo's 'Canto di Berriquocolai' and Ottonaio's 'Canto de Giucatori'
(In Italian only: Trionfi e Canti di Carnevale a Firenze - sec. XV.
Il "Canto dei Berriquocolai" di Lorenzo e il "Canto de Giucatori" dell'Ottonario)
(Canto dei Berriquocolai = Song of the Biscuit Sellers / Canto de Giucatori = Song of the Players)
The Vachero conspiracy and the Column of Infamy - 1628
Tarot in Alessandro Zilioli's 'Memorable Histories'
(In Italian only: La congiura del Vachero e la Colonna Infame - 1628.
I Tarocchi nelle 'Historie Memorabili di Alessandro Zilioli)
A joke about Minchiate - 17th century
Minchiate in literary texts of the seventeenth century
(In Italian only: Scherzo sopra le Minchiate - sec. XVII
Le Minchiate in testi letterari del Seicento)
Tarot and playing cards in Literature
Tarot in Literature I
The most important documents (partly in Italian only)
Tarot in Literature II
The most important documents
Tarot in Literature III
The most important documents
Tarot in Literature IV
Texts and reports of famous authors
“La Cassaria” by Ariosto [Cassaria = The story of a box]
The game of tarot in the comedy La Cassaria by Ludovico Ariosto
Tasso and the Tarot
Now I’m tired and I want to play tarot
Symbolic Suits
The meaning of the suits in Renaissance playing cards
Triumphs, Trionfini and Trionfetti
Between game and literature
Il Malmantile Racquistato [The City of Malmantile Regained]
A general who loved tarot too much
Giordano Bruno and the Tarot
At this cursed game I cannot win, because I have a terrible memory
My Heart Has Become a Taroch
The order of the Triumphs in a villanelle of the 16th century
Taroch: Vulgar Latin
The “Zanitonella” by Folengo and the vulgar Tuscan
Taroch: Nulla Latina Ratione
With barbarian rite, whithout relationship to the Latin, now they call it taroch
Taroch - 1494
The “Frotula de le dòne” by Giovan Giorgio Alione
Writing and Quarreling
The verb Taroccare from Giulio Cesare Croce to Giosuè Carducci
Giulio Cesare Croce and the Tarot
The Magician never comes to me, nor the World, nor even the Fool
Ruzante, the Peasant
Bagatelles, traitors and triumphs in card games in the works of Angelo Beolco
The Game of Malcontento – 1547
Tarot in a Capriccio by Luigi Tansillo
(In Italian only: Il Malcontento - 1547
I Tarocchi in un Capriccio di Luigi Tansillo)
Sorian Days
The invention of a noble holiday in chess, billiards and tarot
Taroch in Milan in the 16th Century
On a Cheribizo and a manufacturer of playing cards
The Sermons of Giusti
Giovan Batista Giusti and the prince of the tarot
The Game of Final Bagatt
In praise of the delightful game vulgarly called Bagattultimo
Odi et Amo [I hate and I love]
Of love and hate of the game of tarot
People who Tarocca [Swear]
Swearing and yelling in literature
(In Italian only: Gente che tarocca
L’inveire e l’imprecare in letteratura)
El Bagatella Which is the Symbol of Sin
Regarding the Bagatto as the first card of the Triumphs
De Rege Scaccorum, de Imperatore Tarocorum[On the King in Chess and the Emperor in tarot]
Playing cards and tarot if useful for scholars and courtiers to pass the time
May Cancer Come to Goffo and Tarocco
New documents between history and literature from the 16th to the 19th century
Aretino's Letters
The letters of Aretino to “Padovano, manufacturer of playing cards in Florence”
(In Italian only: Lettere Aretiniane
Le Lettere dell’Aretino al “Padovan’ cartaro in Fiorenza”
In Praise of Knavery – 1538
Tarot scoundrels in a work by Iacopo Bonfadio
(In Italian only: Delle lodi alla Furfanteria - 1538
Tarocchi furfanti in un’opera di Iacopo Bonfadio
Triompho of the Noble Women of Cesena – 16th Century
Together with a love poem for the tarot (from the Vatican Apostolic Library)
(In Italian only: Trionpho delle nobili donne dei Cesena – sec. XVI
Unitamente a una poesia d’amore per i tarocchi (dalla B.A.V.)
Like the “Fool of the Tarot” of Carducci
Or, Italy is not awake
Tarocchi [Mad] Devils and Other Stories
Tarot in the pages of literati from the 17th to the 19th century
(In Italian only: Diavoli tarocchi e altre storie
I tarocchi in pagine di letterati dal Seicento al Novecento)
A Sonnet in Modenese Dialect of the 16Ith Century
In olden times good children did not play tarot
On Tuscan Eloquence
If you play tarot, you do not deserve laurels
(In Italian only: Della Toscana Eloquenza
Se si gioca a tarocchi non si meritano gli allori)
Grotesque Tarot - 1587
Tarot in the “De' Grotteschi” by Giovanni Paolo Lomazzo
(In Italian only: Tarocchi Grotteschi – 1587
I Tarocchi nel “De Grotteschi” di Giovanni Paolo Lomazzo
Against the Tarot
Invectives and abandonments
(In Italian only: Contro i tarocchi
Invettive e abbandoni)
The Madness of the Wise - 1641
Tarot in “Il Lambertaccio” by Bartolomeo Bocchini
(In Italian only: La Pazzia de’ Savi -1641
I Tarocchi ne “Il Lambertaccio” di Bartolomeo Bocchini)
The Parisian Virgin - 1661
A literary work by Francesco Fulvio Frugoni
(In Italian only: La Vergine Parigina – 1661
Opera letteraria di Francesco Fulvio Frugoni)
The Bravura of Captain Spavento - 1607
Playing Primiera with Time, Fortune and Death
(In Italian only: Le Bravure del Capitano Spavento - 1607
Giocando a Primiera con il Tempo, la Fortuna e la Morte)
On Luck and Fortune – 1573
In the “Annotations of various Stories” by Antonino Danti
(In Italian only: Di Fortuna, Et Sorte – 1573
Nelle “Annotationi di diverse Historie” di Antonino Danti)
Guido Casoni's Game of Fortune - 1622
Playing Tarot with Fortune
(In Italian only: Il Giuoco di Fortuna di Guido Casoni – 1622
Giocare a tarocchi con la fortuna)
The Sonnet ”Tarocco” by Giovanni Prati
A hymn to the savior Poetry
(In Italian only: Il sonetto “Tarocco” di Giovanni Prati
Un inno alla Poesia salvatrice)
The "Macheronic Crown" by B. Bocchini - 17th century
A poem with the Triumphs of the Bolognese tarot
(In Italian only: La "Corona Macheronica" di B. Bocchini - sec. XVII
Un componimento poetico con i Trionfi dei tarocchi bolognesi)
"The Magic of Characters" by G. Maria Muti - 1682
The extraordinary accaunt of an amorous card game with Triumphs
(In Italian only: "La Magia dei Caratteri" di G. Maria Muti - 1682.
Lo straordinario resoconto di un'amorosa partita a carte con i Trionfi)
Tarot in the Works of G.G. Ricci - 17th Century
"The Marrying of the Muses", "Pleasures of Parnassus", "Poetry Married"
(In Italian only: I Tarocchi nelle opere di G.G.Ricci - sec. XVII.
‘Il Maritaggio delle Muse’, i ‘Diporti di Parnaso’, ‘La Poesia Maritata’)
Gasparo Gozzi and Card Games - 18th century
A game between 'Interest' and 'Love' and other works in prose
(In Italian only: Gasparo Gozzi e il gioco delle carte - sec. XVIII
Una partita between 'Interest' and 'Love' and other prose)
Tarot Players on the Moon - 1764
The “Summer Entertainment” by Ciro Mario Canicola Lapolitano
(In Italian only: Giocatori di tarocchi sulla Luna - 1764
Gli “Intertenimenti Estivi” di Ciro Mario Canicola Lapolitano)
The Witty Motto "On the Fool of the Tarot"
And other sonnets by Francesco Morelli - late 18th century
(In Italian only: La Freddura Poetica "Sovra il Matto de' Tarocchi"
E altri sonetti di Francesco Morelli - fine sec. XVIII)
A Trap for Carlo Emanuele I - 17th century
The war between Carlo Emanuele I and the Gonzagas described by a card game
(In Italian only: Una Trappola per Carlo Emanuele I - sec. XVII
La guerra fra Carlo Emanuele I e i Gonzaga descritta da un gioco di carte)
'The Palms of Vittoria' - 1655
Madmen and Tarot madmen
(In Italian only: "Le Palme di Vittoria" - 1655
Matti e matti da Tarocco)
Tarot in texts of the 16th and 17th centuries
Works by A. Ziliolo - E. Cimilotti - C. S. Curione - G. B. Maganza and others
(In Italian only: I Tarocchi in testi del Cinque e Seicento.
Opere di A. Ziliolo - E. Cimilotti - C. S. Curione - G. B. Maganza - M. Thiene)
The "Second Frutes" by John Florio - 1591
Triumphs and Tarot in a work of the greatest humanist of the English Renaissance
(In Italian only: I "Second Frutes" di John Florio - 1591
Trionfi e Tarocchi in un’opera del più grande umanista del Rinascimento inglese)
"Trionfo da Camerino". Novella Porretana - 1483
By Sabadino degli Arienti
(In Italian only: "Trionfo da Camerino" Novella Porretana - 1483.
Di Sabadino degli Arienti)
'To the vague and uncertain game of Primiera,' by A. Striggio - 1569
'Cursed be the one who invented it'
(In Italian only: "Al vag'e incerto gioco di primiera" di A. Striggio - 1569
'Mal aggia chi di quella fu inventore')
Tarot in 'Baldus' by Teofilo Folengo - 1517
In an invective against the evil actions of men".
(In Italian only: "I Tarocchi nel 'Baldus' di Teofilo Folengo - 1517
In una invettiva contro il mal agire degli uomini)
On a sonnet by Pico della Mirandola 1479-1486
A reference to the Triumphs of the Tarot in one line?
(In Italian only: Su un sonetto di Pico della Mirandola.
In un verso un riferimento ai Trionfi dei Tarocchi?)
The Beauty of My Diva - XVIth century
placed in the Triumps of the Tarot
Tarocchi and Tarocchini between Game and Literature
Tarot in Literature I (partly in Italian only)
The most important documents
God doesn't Mind Tarocchino
A Game for the relief of poor humanity and a game of fashion
Tarocchini in the 17th Century
In literary Texts, Essays and Satires
(In Italian only: I Tarocchini nel Settecento
In testi letterari, saggi e satire)
Pleasant Dialogues - 1539
Nicolò Franco, adversary of Aretino and friend of the same
Tarocchino in Rhymes, Satires, and a Holy Life
In winter at the fire, a game of tarocchino
(In Italian only: Il Tarocchino in rime, satire e in una vita santa
D’inverno presso il fuoco, una partita a tarocchino)
Nihil in Hoc Mundo Mutat - 1589 [Nothing in this world changes]
Nobles play the fool in triumphing as in the game of tarot
(In Italian only: Nihil in hoc mundo mutat – 1589
I nobili danno di matto nel trionfare come nel gioco dei tarocchi)
17th Century Miscellany I
Marchelli - Ricci - Sarpi - Banchieri – Gherardi
(In Italian only: Miscellanea Seicentesca
Marchelli – Ricci – Sarpi – Banchieri – Gherardi)
"The Magic of Characters" by G. Maria Muti - 1682
The extraordinary account of an amorous card game with Triumphs
(In Italian only: "La Magia dei Caratteri" di G. Maria Muti - 1682.
Lo straordinario resoconto di un'amorosa partita a carte con i Trionfi)
The Triumphs in a Dialogue by Philippe Garnier - 1610
From "Quatro Dialogi di Garnero". Italian edition 1627
(In Italian only: I Trionfi in un Dialogo di Philippe Garnier.
Dai "Quatro Dialogi di Garnero". Edizione Italiana 1627)
17th Century Miscellany II
(In Italian only: Miscellanea Seicentesca II
Desiderio Cini da Pistoia - Giovanni Andrea Lorenzani - Adriano banchieri)
Tarot and Madness/Folly
The Hospital of Incurable Madmen
Tarot and madness
Mundus Alter et Idem – 1605
Tarot and utopia
The Theatre of Brains – 1585
Playing cards and gambling
Wise Madness, Pleasant Madness - 1607
The order of the Triumphs in a work about madness
Folly and “Melancholia”
Sensible and senseless folly in the procession of the Triumphs
The Paradoxes of Lando - 1543
An accolade to the inventor of the tarot
(In Italian only: I Paradossi del Lando – 1543
Una lode all’inventore dei tarocchi)
Vanity and Folly
Vanity of vanities, everything is vanity
(In Italian only: Vanità e Follia
Vanitas vanitatis et omnia vanitas)
The great dignity of the Fool of the Tarot - 1570
'In praise of Folly /Madness' by G. Francesco Ferretti
(In Italian only: La Grande 'dignitade' del Matto dei Tarocchi - 1570.
'In lode della Pazzia' di G. Francesco Ferretti
The Fool on the shrimp - 16th century
The shrimp in the symbolism of the Fool and elsewhere
(In Italian only: Il Folle sul gambero - sec. XVI
Il gambero nella simbologia del Folle e altrove)
The symbolism of the stick in the Fool's card
The stick of the madman, a stick against the madman
(In Italian only: Il simbolismo del bastone nella carta del Matto
Il bastone del pazzo, un bastone contro il pazzo)
'Malmantile Reconquered' II
(In Italian only: Il 'Malmantile Raquistato' II.
Dove si parla di matti e di pazzie).
On the wise and foolish. Texts from XVth to XVIIth century
Foolishness is contrary to the gift of wisdom
(In Italian only: Di saggi e di stolti. Testi secc. XV-XVII.
La stoltezza è contraria al dono della sapienza)
The Mattacini - 16th century
Their significance and actions
(In Italian only: I Mattaccini - sec. XVI
Significato e loro atti)
Tarot and Gambling
Playing Cards and Gambling
Genera ludorum fortunae a dyabolo inventa sum [The kinds of games of luck were invented by the Devil]
Saint Bernardino and the Cards
Regular cards and Triumphs in the chronicles about the life of the Saint
Allowed Triumphs, Forbidden Triumphs - 15th Century
Two new documents
Laudables et Vituperables - 15th Century
Praiseworthy and blameworthy games in the sermons of Roberto da Lecce
Triumphs in the Bonfire of the Vanities – 1497
Girolamo Savonarola and the Piagnoni in Florence
Remedy of Game-Players
Three sorts of forbidden games at the beginning of the 16th century
The Tarocchini in the 18th Century
In literary texts, essays and satires
(In Italian only: I Tarocchini nel Settecento
In testi letterari, saggi e satire)
Folly and “Melancholia”
Sensible and senseless folly in the procession of the Triumphs
De Rege Scaccorum, de Imperatore Tarocorum [On the King in Chess and the Emperor in Tarot]
Playing cards and tarot if useful for scholars and courtiers to pass the time
The Illicit Skill of Cheaters
The world of cheaters in real-life stories and tricks of the trade
Officium Lusorum
Mass of the gamblers
Cursed Be Thou, Old She-Wolf
Avarice: players’, prostitutes’ and moneylenders’ sin of greed
(In Italian only: Maladetta sie tu, antica lupa
Avarizia: il peccato di avidità di giocatori, prostitute e usurai)
Of the Passion of Gambling
Character and portrait of the gambler in France and Italy of the 19th century
The Island of Games
From “Little works in verse and prose” by Filandro Cretense
(In Italian only: L’isola del giuoco
Dagli “Opuscoli in verso e in prosa” di Filandro Cretense)
Seventh Commandment: do not steal - 1496
The game of Triumphs in a work by Iacobus Philippus Bergomensis
(In Ialian only: Settimo Comandamento: non rubare - 1496
Il gioco dei Trionfi in un'opera di Iacobus Philippus Bergomensis).
Tarot, Playing Cards and Games
Ludere ad Triumphos [To Play at Triumphs]
Cum Deo et in Ecclesia [With God and in church]
Symbolic Suits
The meaning of the suits in Renaissance playing cards
Taroch in Milan in the 16th Century
On a Cheribizo and a manufacturer of playing cards
De Ludo in Statutis [of games in statutes]
A collation of statutes on games
(In Italian only: De Ludo in Statutis
Collazione di Statuti sul gioco)
Games and Magic in Ferrara
On a manufacturer of tarot cards, on games and repressive laws, on witches and magic
Tarocchini in the 18th Century
In literary texts, essays and satires
(In Italian only: I Tarocchini nel Settecento
In testi letterari, saggi e satire)
De Rege Scaccorum, de Imperatore Tarocorum [On the King in Chess and the Emperor in Tarot]
Playing cards and tarot if useful for scholars and courtiers to pass the time
The Illicit Skill of Cheaters
The world of cheaters in real-life stories and tricks of the trade
May Cancer Come to Goffo and Tarocco
New documents between history and literature from the16th to the 19th century
Pastimes of the Country Villa – Pastimes of the Courts
Between tarot and chess, games in Adriano Banchieri and in the Courts
(In Italian only: Trastulli della villa - Trastulli di Corte
Fra tarocchi e scacchi, il gioco in Adriano Banchieri e nelle Corti)
Tarocchini out of the Monasteries!
When nuns gambled all their possessions at cards
(In Italian only: Fuori i Tarocchini dai monasteri!
Quando le monache si giocavano tutti i propri averi a carte)
De Viribus Quantitatis [On Quantitative Forces]
Triumph cards in a mathematical guess by Luca Pacioli
(In Italian only: De viribus quantitatis
Le carte dei Trionfi in un indovinello matematico di Luca Pacioli)
The Game of Tarot: a Symbol of Human Life
Francesco Fulvio Frugoni - 1669
(In Italian only: Il Giuoco dei Tarocchi: un simbolo dell’Humana vita
Francesco Fulvio Frugoni - 1669
Better the Tarot than the Breviary
The concupiscence of priests for the tarot in the 19th century
(In Italian only: Meglio i Tarocchi del Breviario
La concupiscenza dei preti per i tarocchi nell’Ottocento)
The 'Military Game of Virtue' - 1571
A card game by Captain Alfonso Valdera da Capodistria
(In Italian only: Il 'Gioco Militare di Virtù' - 1571
Un gioco con le carte del capitano Alfonso Valdera da Capodistria)
Triumphs, whoring husbands and virtuous wives - XVIth century
At triumphs, husbands do not know how to play anything but their King of Batons
(In Italian only: Trionfi, mariti puttanieri e mogli virtuose - sec. XVI.
Ai trionfi i mariti non sanno giocare altro se non con il Re di Bastoni)
Tarot in Bologna at the end of the XVIII century
For a priest, playing five-a-side with Tarot cards is not a crime
(In Italian only: I Tarocchi nella Bologna di fine Settecento.
Per un sacerdote giocare a cinquina con i tarocchi non è un delitto)
Tarot between Magic and Inquisition
The Conjuration of the Tarrocco
A magic ritual in sixteenth century Venice
Tarot and Inquisitors
In the Serenissima and Trentino, between “witches” and “diabolical priests”
Games and Magic in Ferrara
On a manufacturer of tarot cards, on games and repressive laws, on witches and magic
El Bagatella Which is the Symbol of Sin
Regarding the Bagatto as the first card of the Triumphs
A Clownish Sermon - 1529
Instead of the sacred mysteries, talk from the pulpit on how to play Triumphs
Carnival and Tarot
Matti de Trionfi [Fools of the Triumphs]
Carnival and Folly
Tarot and symbolic world
The Mystical Staircase
The mystical journey toward Knowledge
Symbolic Suits
The meaning of the suits in Renaissance playing cards
Castel del Monte
The number eight and Christian mysticism
The Feast of Sol Invictus
The Aristotelian Telescope
Wit, symbols and the tarot
Emperor Moon and Pope Sun
The thesis of the Church on the superiority of the Pope
Tarotica - 1584
The quaternary of the tarot between mysticism and game
El Bagatella Which is the Symbol of Sin
Regarding the Bagatto as the first card of the Triumphs
Folly and “Melancholia”
Sensible and senseless folly in the procession of the Triumphs
Christ, the Great Gambler
A cantata “For the birth of Our Lord” in Baroque Naples
Slut Fortune: Fortune from Dante to Cellini
In addition to a rhyme on the Wheel of Fortune in18th century Milanese dialect
(In Italian only: Porca Fortuna: La Fortuna da Dante al Cellini
In aggiunta a una rima sulla Ruota di Fortuna in dialetto milanese del ‘700)
The Legend of Popess Joan
Because there is the Pope, there must also be the Popess
(In Italian only: La favola della Papessa Giovanna
Perché vi è il papa vi debbe anco essere la papessa)
Tarot and Neoplatonism
The Astral Origin of the Soul
A Neoplatonic myth in the iconography of a few cards of the Triumphs
Tarot Between Music and Musicians
Christ, the Great Gambler
A cantata “For the birth of Our Lord” in Baroque Naples
Mozart’s Salzburg Days
I won. Played Tarot
Pastimes of the Country Villa – Pastimes of the Courts
Between tarot and chess, games in Adriano Banchieri and in the courts
(In Italian only: Trastulli della villa - Trastulli di Corte
Fra tarocchi e scacchi, il gioco in Adriano Banchieri e nelle corti)
“Taroccare” in 18h Century Opera Librettos
Games in dramas, intermezzi, comedies, dramatic actions and farces
(In Italian only: ‘Taroccare’ nei libretti d’opera del Settecento
Drammi giocosi, Intermezzi, commedie, azioni drammatiche e farsette)
“Taroccare” in 19th Century Opera Librettos
Games in heroic-comic, semi-serious and comic dramas, melodramas, comedies and farces
(In Italian only: ‘Taroccare’ nei libretti d’opera dell’Ottocento
Drammi giocosi, eroicomici, semi-seri, buffi; melodrammi, commedie e farse)
Triumphs and Carnival Songs in Florence - 15th century
Lorenzo's 'Canto di Berriquocolai' and Ottonaio's 'Canto de Giucatori'
(In Italian only: Trionfi e Canti di Carnevale a Firenze - sec. XV.
Il "Canto dei Berriquocolai" di Lorenzo e il "Canto de Giucatori" dell'Ottonario)
(Canto dei Berriquocolai = Song of the Biscuit Sellers / Canto de Giucatori = Song of the Players)
Tarot Manufacture and Manufacturers
Making Cards in the 18th Century
Art and technology in the manifacture of playing cards
(In Italian only: Far carte nel Settecento
Arte e tecnica nella fabbricazione delle carte)
Taroch in Milan in the 16th Century
On a Cheribizo and a manufacturer of playing cards
Tarot and Cartomancy
The Castle of Malpaga
Game of Triumphs or cartomancy with Triumphs?
Il Torracchione Desolato (The great desolate tower]
A card-reading sorceress in a poem of the 18th century
An Enigma in ”Orlando Furioso”
From a verse in a poem, an hypothesis on the existence of cartomancy in the 15th century
Predicting the Future with the Tarot
Significance and potential of tarot cards as divinatory symbols
Satires and Paradoxes
The Paradoxes of Lando - 1543
An accolade to the inventor of the tarot
(In Italian only: I Paradossi del Lando – 1543
Una lode all’inventore dei Tarocchi)
Men Against Women
The tarot in the 17th century between Satire and Antisatire
Tarot and Stories of Lives Lived
A Poor Artist of the 16th Century
A painter become decorator of tarot
The Twelve Words of Truth
A soldier who goes to Mass with a deck of cards in the pocket of his trousers
The Renunciation of ”Tarrocchi”
In the Resolutions for the Spiritual Exercises of Benedetto Ludovico Giacobini (1676)
God Doesn't Mind Tarocchino
A game for the relief of poor humanity and a game of fashion
El Bagatella Which is the Symbol of Sin
Regarding the Bagatto as the first card of the Triumphs
Playing Tarot in Delight - 1554
Laura Dianti in the game of tarot at the Delight of the Verginese
Winckelmann and Tarocchino
Winckelmann's compliments to the “Society of the Tarocchino” of Dresden
The Illicit Skill of Cheaters
The world of cheaters in real-life stories and tricks of the trade
May Cancer Come to Goffo and to Tarocco
New documents between history and literature from the 16th to the 19th century
A Clownish Sermon (1529)
Instead of the sacred mysteries, talk from the pulpit on how to play Triumphs
Leonardo and the Cards
The world of card players between persevering and redeemed (15th-19th century)
(In Italian only: Leonardo e le Carte,
Il mondo dei giocatori di carte fra perseveranti e redenti (secc. XV-XIX))
Of the Passion of Gambling
Character and portrait of the gambler in France and Italy of the 19th century
A Joke of the 16th Century
Which tells of three friends, card games, and a person believed blind
(In Italian only: Una burla del '500:
Dove si narra di tre amici, di giochi di carte e d'un che si credette cieco)
Tarots in Exhibition at Milan in 1872
The Visconti di Modrone and Brambilla tarocchi, as well as a sonnet on the Bagatto
Tarot Witnesses of a Conspiracy
In defense of Pallavicini Visconti, Bishop of Alexandria
(In Italian only: Tarocchi testimoni di una congiura.
A difesa di Pallavicini Visconti, Vescovo di Alesssandria)
Crimes and Tarots
Tarot and Tarocchini in the Criminal Archive of Bologna
(In Italian only: Crimini e Tarocchi
Tarocchi e Tarocchini nell’Archivio Criminale di Bologna)
La Tarocchiera [wall structure created to play tarot]
A “delight” where tarot is played
(In Italian only: La Tarocchiera
Una delizia dove giocare a Tarocchi)
On a Blind Priest who Played Tarot
As well as famous doctors who loved that game
(In Italian only: Di un prete cieco che giocava a Tarocchi
Nonché di celebri medici amanti di quel gioco)
Lorenzo Pignoria and the Tarot - 1614
An eternal need for knowlige
(In Italian only: Lorenzo Pignoria e i tarocchi - 1614
Un’eterna esigenza di conoscenza)
A Murder in Bologna in the 18th Century
For debts in the game of Tarocchini
(In Italian only: Un omicidio a Bologna nel Settecento
Per debiti di gioco ai Tarocchini)
Andrea Doria and the Tarot - 1550
When the cannon thundered the admiral played tarot
(In Italian only: Andrea Doria e i Tarocchi
Quando i cannoni sparavano l’Ammiraglio giocava a tarocchi)
Trial of Paolo Orgiano - 1605
Rapist of women and player of tarot
(In Italian only: Processo a Paolo Orgiano – 1605
Rapitore di donne e giocatore di tarocchi)
Card Players Against Images of the Virgin
In the city of Bologna of the 16th century
(In Italian only: Giocatori di carte contro immagini della Beata Vergine
Nella Bologna del Cinquecento)
Cryptography with Tarot in the 16th Century
On the occasion of the attempted assassination of Saint Carlo Borromeo
(In Italian only: Crittografia con i Tarocchi nel Cinquecento
In occasione del tentato assassinio di San Carlo Borromeo)
13 in the Tarot and in Popular Superstition
In the Italian tradition
(In Italian only: Il 13 nei tarocchi e nella superstizione popolare.
Nella tradizione italiana)
The Vachero conspiracy and the Column of Infamy- 1628
Tarot in Alessandro Zilioli's 'Memorable Histories'
(In Italian only: La congiura del Vachero e la Colonna Infame - 1628.
I Tarocchi nelle 'Historie Memorabili di Alessandro Zilioli)
A Sleepwalker Playing Tarot - 18th century
As described in the "Discourse on a Wonderful Sleepwalker"
(In Italian only: Un Sonnambolo che giocava a tarocchi - sec. XVIII
Come descritto nel "Discorso sopra un sonnambolo meraviglioso")
Soldiers and Card Games - 16th and 17th centuries
Military warnings about card playing in armies
(In Italian Only: I Soldati e le carte da gioco - sec. XVI e XVII
Avvertimenti militari sul giocare a carte negli eserciti)
Tarot and Astrology
Predictions and Tarot
The Fool of the Tarot in two astrological treatises
(In Italian only: Pronostici, Predizioni e Tarocchi - sec. XV
Il Matto dei Tarocchi in due trattati astrologici)
About the Hanged Man, in the Tarot and Elsewhere (See also the Iconological Essay on this Topic)
The Traitor
Hanging by one foot
A Gang of Traitors
On the penalty of the infamous, or the Hanged Man
Saint Taraco
About Christian martyrs hanged by one foot or both, upside down
(In Italian only: Santo Taraco
Dei martiri cristiani appesi per un piede o per entrambi a testa in giù)
New Comedy - 1545
Cupid, traitor, hanging by one foot
(In Italian only: Commedia Nuova - 1545
Cupido traditore appeso per un piede)
Summaries of Essays not yet translated
Summaries of Untranslated Essays by Andrea Vitali
Between March 2018 and January 15, 2019