Works about Tarots

         Andrea Vitali - Terry Zanetti

Essay-catalogue of the international exhibition Tarots: History • Art • Magic

Le Tarot Editions, Faenza, 2006
cm. 21 X 30
192 pages (page 77 colour and page 23 black & white - full page)
Bilingual editions in Italian and English
Plastic paperback cover

The work Tarots - History •  Art • Magic from the XV to the XX Century is one of the most complete and updated  essays in the  symbolic world of tarots. The volume was written by Andrea Vitali, one of the greatest authorities concerning tarots, together with Terry Zanetti, expert in cultural material.

The essay is presented by Donatino Domini, director of the Ravenna Classense Library and the preface is given by Franco Cardini, professor in Medieval History at Florence University. All the photos come from works of a great collection of the Cultural Association “Le Tarot”, a body of important historical-symbolic studies, organising very famous exhibitions in the universe of tarots in Italy and abroad.


by Donatino Domini

by Franco Cardini

The chapters of the volume and the catalogue-essay of the exhibition, explain the topics that follow:

Heavenly Harmony
by Andrea Vitali
This first topic is about late medieval thought, in particular about the  mystic vision of the World, of the Universe and the birth of Triumphs (Tarots), as an  ethical-moral game  linked to the Art of Memory.  All the images are taken from illustrated volumes and prints of famous engravers of Renaissance, rare old hand-painted cards and oriental ivory cards.

Allegoric Iconography of Tarots
by Andrea Vitali
The works illustrated here, (prints and engravings from illustrated books) show the relationship between the allegoric iconography of Triumphs and the sacred and the profane medieval  art.  

The Divine Ermete
by Andrea Vitali
This section shows the iconographic relationships between tarots in the Renaissance and the Hermetic-Neoplatonic Thought that appeared in tarot images at the end of the XV Century, through old prints, books  and illustrated manuscripts.

Tarots and Game
by Andrea Vitali
This topic shows photos of old hand painted cards of different Italian and European counties, ancient books, manuscripts about games with their rules, engravings about card players, posters, royal edits, very rare and beautiful boxes of games.

The Book of Thot - The Esoteric Interpretation of Tarots
by Andrea Vitali
This section tells of the birth of tarots as a magic instrument at the end of the XVIII Century in Masonic France. The topic shows a big photographic apparatus of cards, engravings,  illustrated books, manuscripts, majolicas and other objects.

Tarots and Cartomancy
by Andrea Vitali and Terry Zanetti
Cartomancy was developed in France during the XVIII Century: in this section there are illustrated  books, engravings about the XVIII-XIX Century and ancient hand painted cards.

G. Berti - A. Vitali (edited by)
Tarots: Art and Magic

Essay-catalogue of the exhibition held at the Archaeological Museum of Bologna in 1994

Le Tarot Editions, Faenza, 1994
cm. 21 X 30
154 pages (page 31 colour and page 23 black & white - full page, 46 black & white pictures within text).
Edition in Italian language
Plastic paperback cover

This is the updated and enlarged version of the book Tarocchi: Le Carte del Destino (Tarots: The Cards of Destiny). It includes the contribution by Andrea Vitali on tarots iconography, an essay which is considered essential for the comprehension of allegory and symbols of Renaissance tarots.


La Diffusione dei Tarocchi tra i secc. XV e XIX  
Tarots diffusion between the 15th and 19th Centuries
by Pietro Marsilli and Giordano Berti

I Tarocchi fra “Cultura di Corte” e “Cultura Popolare”  
Tarots between “Court Culture” and “Popular Culture”
by Franco Cardini
Il “Gioco” dei Tarocchi fra “Ermetismo” e “Teatro della Memoria”
Tarots “Game” between “Hermetism” and “Memory Theatre”
by Paolo Aldo Rossi
Il Simbolismo dei Numeri nella Patristica
Symbolism of numbers in Patristics
by Lorenzo Dattrino
Ipotesi nell’origine di un nome
Hypothesis on the origin of a name
by Andrea Ascari and Monica Canducci
Iconografia dei Tarocchi
Tarots Iconography
by Andrea Vitali
Tarocchi ed Occultismo
Tarots and Occultism
by Giordano Berti

The same book appeared in 1995 under the title Tarocchi: Le Carte del Destino (Tarots: The Cards of Destiny) at the exhibition held at the St. Angelo Castle National Museum of in Rome and in 1996 under the title Tarocchi: Le Carte del Regno. La Storia, I Simboli, Il Mito (Tarots: The Cards of  the Kingdom. History, Symbols, Myth) at the exhibition held at Barolo Palace of Turin. On this occasion, a contribution entitled I Tarocchi in Piemonte (Tarots in Piedmont) by Giordano Berti was included.

G. Berti - P. Marsilli - A. Vitali (edited by)
Tarots: The Destiny Cards

Essay-catalogue of the exhibition held at National Museum of Castel Sant'Angelo, Rome, 1995

Le Tarot Editions, Faenza, 1994
cm. 21 X 30
120 pages (31 colour pages and 18 black and white pages -  full page, 28 black and white pictures within text).
Edition in Italian language
Plastic paperback cover

The same book appeared in 1988 with the title Il Castello dei Destini (The Destiny Castle) at the exhibition held at the art and culture centre of Belgioioso Castle.


La Diffusione dei Tarocchi tra i secc. XV e XIX  
The Tarots diffusion between the 15th and 19th centuries
by Pietro Marsilli e Giordano Berti

Iconografia dei Tarocchi
Tarots iconography
by Andrea Vitali

I Tarocchi in Letteratura
The Tarots in the literature
by Pietro Marsilli

Tarocchi ed Occultismo
Tarots and occultisms
by Giordano Berti

Giordano Berti (edited by)
Appunti di storia, iconografia, divinazione
The Esoteric Tarot in France - Notes of History, Iconography, Divination

Le Tarot Editions, Faenza, 1989
cm. 16,7 X 24
pp. 32
Edition in Italian language
Editorial paperback cover


by Andrea Vitali

Antoine Court De Gebelin - Etteilla e la Tradizione Cartomantica  (Etteilla and the tradition of Cartomancy) - Alphonse Louis Constant (Elifas Levi) - Jean Baptiste Pitois (Paul Christian) - Gerard Encausse (Dottor Papus)
