E. Centofanti - M. Lotti - A. Vitali (edited by) LO SPIRITO DELL'EUROPA. IL RINASCIMENTO DI TERRACOTTA DELLA BOTTEGA DELLA ROBBIA The Spirit of Europe - The Renaissance-style in the terracottas of the "Della Robbia" Studio The “Della Robbia” terracottas of the Bandini Collection of Fiesole Museums.
Essay-catalogue of the exhibition held in 1999 at the Ducal Palace of Andria
Le Tarot Editions, Faenza, 1999 cm. 22 X 24 80 pages (16 colour pages and 5 black & white pages - full page, 53 pages with text) Edition in Italian language Editorial paperback cover
Preface by Vincenzo Caldarone and Nunzio Liso
Castel Dei Mondi 1999 e la Mostra Robbiana Castel of the Worlds 1999 and the “Della Robbia” exhibition by Errico Centofanti and Andrea Vitali Le Robbiane della Collezione Bandini di Fiesole The “Della Robbia” terracottas of the Bandini Collection of Fiesole by Marcello Lotti CRITICAL CARDS by Giancarlo Gentilini
Photos of the displayed works |
G. Berti (edited by) IL POPOLO DI MOSÉ. MOSTRA SU CULTURA E CIVILTÀ EBRAICA Moses’ People - Exhibition about Jewish culture and life
Essay-catalogue of the exhibition held at Ducal Palace of Andria in 1998.
Le Tarot Editions, Faenza, 1998 cm. 22 X 24 76 pages (12 colour pages and 3 black and white pages - full page, 59 pages with text) Edition in Italian language Editorial paperback cover
Una Mostra per ampliare gli Orizzonti della Conoscenza An exhibition to widen knowledge horizons by Errico Centofanti and Andrea Vitali
Il Popolo di Mosé Moses’ People by Giordano Berti Le Festività Ebraiche The Jewish celebrations by Alberto Sermoneta Metafisica e Simbolismo dell’anno Ebraico Metaphysics and symbolism of the Jewish Year by Alessandro Grossato Arredi Cerimoniali nell’ Italia Meridionale Ceremony furniture in Southern Italy by Dora Liscia-Bemporad Gli Ebrei in Andria tra Medioevo e Rinascimento The Jewish People in Andria between Middle Age and Renaissance by Cesare Colafemmina
Ebrea e il Muro Occidentale di Fabio Mauri Jewish and the Western Wall of Fabio Mauri by Francesco Poli
CRITICAL CARDS by Dora Liscia-Bemborad - Giordano Berti - Anna Blayer
E. Centofanti - A. Vitali (edited by) VIAGGIO NELL'ISLAM. ESOTISMI E REALTÀ An Overview of the Islamic Religion - Exoticism and reality
Essay-catalogue of the exhibition held at the Ducal Palace of Andria in 1987
Le Tarot Editions, Faenza, 1988 cm. 22 X 30 120 pages (30 colour pages and 3 black and white pages - full page, 52 pages with text) Edition in Italian language Editorial paperback cover
Verso il Terzo Millennio Towards the third millennium by Errico Centofanti and Andrea Vitali
L’esotismo. Uno Specchio per l’Occidente Exoticism. A mirror for Western world by Franco Cardini
Islam by Sergio Noja Noseda
CRITICAL CARDS by Antonio Barletti - Marco Goracci - Paolo Mancini - Andrea Vitali