It was one of the founders of the Repertory Theatre of Aquila, directing it from 1963 to 1982. For the Municipality of Aquila has devised in 1983, the “Perdonanza Festival”, to which he was Superintendent until 1992.
Un sogno ancora da sognare (A dream still dreaming), 1994 Il perché dell’Aquila (Why Aquila), 1995 Le Dimissioni (The Resignation), 1998 L’Emiciclo (The Hemicycle), 1999 Storie da caminetto (Fireplace tales), 1999 Italiani nel mondo (Italians in the world), 2002 La festa crudele (Cruel feast), 2003 The lemmas "Abruzzo” and “Journalism” for “The Gadda Encyclopedia” (Edimburg University)
He is co-author and editor of
Le Provincie dei parchi (The Parks District), 1997 Gli Eremi di Roccamorice (The Roccamorice’s Hermitage), 2000