Claudio Carvalho


Cláudio Carvalho, writer, designer, radioesthesist, therapist, artist and tightly, has studied tarot for 25 years. His artistic studies about iconography joined the hermetic symbolism of the science of tarot cards include the symbolic structure in the “Divine Proportion”, the “Sacred Geometry”, Gothic art and Astro-Archeology, which tends to unify their astrological and mathematical mysteries. In addition to this, he is a scholar of several historical and contemporary omen systems.

He founded with his wife, Lilia Palmeira, in 2001, the SOCIEDADE LAMATRONIKA, based on a group of researchers and artists in different airlines in order to disseminate the work of its members in the therapeutic and artistic and research in general. Carvalho is also the founder of the agency responsible for the disclosure of Science of the Tarot, said TECHNU ® (name of Egyptian Ibis, bird of God Thot). The Agency aims to organize events, workshops, exhibitions, lectures, courses and so on in relation to Tarot.

Carvalho is competent in art history and specialized in the symbolism of tarot cards and sheets in iconography many deck of cards from the Renaissance until the beginning of the twentieth century, particularly in the tarot cards of Thot developed by Aleister Crowley and painted by Lady Frieda Harris. In his first Homepage he has published many articles and essays on different topics. He exhibited his works of art in Brazil and England. He has published articles on some news holistic, participated in many events and workshops as expert in tarot of Thoth. In recent twenty-two years he has specialized in Thot’s cards including their pittography, iconography, art, history, hermeneutics and  about publications on these cards appeared in 60 years.


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