The Court Cards. The Tarot

Game and Magic at the d'Este Court





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Ferrara, d'Este Castle, September 1987 - January 1988

The exhibition has been arranged by the district administration of Ferrara in co-operation with the Cultural Association “Le Tarot” of Faenza, under the aegis of the Ministry of National Heritage and Culture, Foreign Office and Emilia-Romagna Region.

Scientific project and documents selection
Andrea Vitali

Scientific Committee
Giuliana Algeri             Superintendency for Artistic and Historical Heritage, Genoa
Giordano Berti               Essayist, Chairman of the “Graf Institute”, Bologna
Marco Bertozzi                Philosophy of History, Ferrara University
Franco Cardini               Medieval History, Florence University
Claudia Cieri Via           Iconology, La Sapienza University, Rome
Michael Dummett         Formal Logic, Oxford University
Cecilia Gatto Trocchi    Anthropology, Perugia Univerasity
Pietro Marsilli                 Italian Literature, Innsbruck University
Andrea Vitali                  Iconologist, Chairman of the Cultural Association “Le Tarot”

Catalogue edited by G. Berti and Andrea Vitali (Nuova Alfa Editions)
Franco Cardini               La Fortuna, il Gioco, la Corte
                                            (The Fortune, the Game, the Court)
Giuliana Algeri              Un gioco per le corti: i Tarocchi miniati 
                                            (A courts game: illuminated Tarots)
Marco Bertozzi                Palazzo Schifanoia e i “Tarocchi del Mantegna”
(Schifanoia Palace and the “Mantegna Tarots”)
Marco Bertozzi                Le copie degli affreschi di Schifanoia dipinte da L. J. Yperman
                                            (The copies of Schifanoia frescoes painted by L. J. Yperman)
Claudia Cieri Via           I Tarocchi cosiddetti del “Mantegna”
                                            (The so-called “Mantegna Tarots”)
Michael Dummett         Sulle origini dei tarocchi popolari
                                            (The origins of people’s tarots)
M.D - G.A - G.B               Tarocchi popolari e tarocchi fantastici 
                                            (People’s and fantasy tarots)
Pietro Marsilli                 I Tarocchi nella vita di società, la vita di società nei Tarocchi
                                            (Tarots in social life, social life in Tarots)
Franco Pratesi                Il gioco italiano dei Tarocchi e la sua storia 
                                            (The Italian game of Tarots and the relevant history)
A. Vitali - G. Berti         Le varianti regionali del gioco  
                                            (The game local versions)
Cecilia Gatto Trocchi    I labirinti della ragione  
                                            (The maze of reason)
Andrea Vitali                  Arcani svelati 
                                            (Revealed Arcana)
Claudia Cieri Via           L’iconografia degli Arcani Maggiori 
                                            (Iconography of the Major Arcana)
Giordano Berti                Il Libro di Thot, ovvero, l'interpretazione esoterica del Tarocco
                                            (The Book of Thot,  Tarot esoteric interpretation)
 Franco Solmi                  Il Tarocco come espressione d’arte  
                                            (Tarot as an art expression) 
Origin of displayed works
Italian public institutions
State Archives, Modena
Marciana National Library, Venice
Civic Library  “A. Mai”, Bergamo
Ariostea Public Library, Ferrara
University Library, Bologna
Municipal Library, Mantua
Municipal Library of the Archiginnasio, Bologna
Guarneriana Library, S. Daniele del Friuli
Municipal Library, Caffarelli Fund, Faenza
Correr Museum, Venice
Uffizi Gallery, Gallery of Prints and Drawings, Florence
Graphic Art Museum, Brisighella
Civic Museum, Bassano del Grappa
Ursino Castle Municipal Museum, Catania
Civic Museum, Pavia

Foreign public institutions
Baverische Staatsbibliothek, Munich
Bibliothèque de L’Arsenal, Paris
Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris
Bibliothèque Municipale, Rouen
Graphische Sammlung Albertina, Wien
National Gallery of Art, Rosenwald Collection, Washington
Metropolitan Museum of Art, Harris Brisbane Dick Fund 1926, New York
Pierpont Morgan Library, New York
Yale University Library, Cary Collection, New Haven
Victoria and Albert Museum, London
Worshipful Company of Makers of Playing Cards - Guildhall Library, London
Warburg Institute, London

Private collections
Adriano Lombardini, Bergamo
Andrea Vitali, Faenza
Cultural Association Le Tarot, Faenza
Cocchi Amedeo, Milan
Art and Historical Documents Collections of the Cassa di Risparmio, Bologna
Modiano Collection, Trieste
Gino Guarino, Cerreto Sannita
Guido Sogliani, Modena
Maria Teresa Lotti, Correggio
Mario Contarini, Lugo
Mauro Biondi, Ravenna
Renzo Salvadè, Bologna
Sergio Bassani, Bologna
Vito Arienti, Lissone

Works provided by contemporary artists
Andrea Picini, Rome
Alfredo di Prinzio, Rome
Bianca Maria Rizzoli, Bologna
Claudio Cappelli, Cervia
Davide Tonato, Verona
Domenico Balbi, Genoa
Euclide Emiliani, Imola
Gianfranco Goberti, Imola
Gianni Predieri, Venice
Luigi Bollini, Sasso Marconi
Maurizio Bonora, Ferrara
Monica Canducci, Cervia
Paolo Pecchioli, Certaldo
Velda Ponti, Brisighella

Works provided by Editors
Cultural Association “Le Tarot”, Faenza
Claudia Fraticelli, Rome
Publishing House d’Ami, Milan
Raffaele Bandini Publishers, Milan