The Cards of Destiny

Gambling, Luck and Magic

Vittoriosa (Malta), Inquisitor’s Palace
17 June 2006 - 29 October 2006

Promotion Body
Heritage Malta (The National Agency for Museums, Conservation Practice and Cultural Heritage)

Under the Aegis of the
Italian Ministry for National Heritage and Culture and the Ministry of Tourism and Culture of Malta

Historical - Scientific Plan
Andrea Vitali, president of the Cultural Association “Le Tarot”- Faenza

Scientific Committee
Alain Bougearel
Franco Cardini
Donatino Domini
Rolando Dondarini
Sergio Noja Noseda
Paolo Aldo Rossi
Paolo Sabbatini Rancidoro
Ross Sinclair Caldwell
Andrea Vitali
Terry Zanetti

Catalogue edited by A. Vitali  and T.  Zanetti (Le Tarot Editions) 
Tarots: History, Art, Magic from XV to XX century
Tarocchi: Storia, Arte, Magia dal XV al XX secolo
(Bilingual edition in Italian and English)

Origin of displayed works
Collections of Cultural Association “Le Tarot”.